This meeting will be at the Sheraton Hotel in Needham. Get Directions to the hotel. Guest Fees For Family Night
Reservations RequiredReservations must be made by Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Seating will be assigned as reservations are received. Tables seat ten (10) persons. Contact Executive Secretary, Ed Hobart for more information. (781) 662-6262 |
Meeting Postponed!!Due to the inclement weather expected the meeting was postponed from March 2nd to March 9th March 2009 MeetingFamily NightPresenting a “A Knight's Tale”Higgins Armory Museum will present “A Knight’s Tale” - the history of arms & armor in Western Europe. The emergence of the knightly class followed the fall of Rome and continued to the flourish of chivalric romance in the 16th century. During this period the evolution of arms and armor from the mail jauberk of Charlemagne to the full plate tournament armor at the court of Maximillian I was explained. The program was entertaining yet instructive in its introduction to the history of arms and armor in Western Europe. The children enjoyed being involved in the demonstration of the various pieces on display. Clowning AroundYou will just love our friends “Marmalade” and “Petunia”. The children will love their face painting, balloon twisting and the special magic. Marmalade painted not only faces but wrists as well. Young girl poses for picture after having her face painted and having a balloon made for her. Balloon swords, tulips, and other creations were fashioned by Petunia. Dick Williams and two of his children enjoy the evening. |