The following is a Christian Work Project sponsored in part by a grant from the Boston Baptist Social Union.

Boston Christian Counseling Center


The Boston Christian Counseling Center (BCCC) was started as an allied ministry of Tremont Temple Baptist Church. The function of the Center is to assist people who are going through difficult times in their lives, by providing professional pastoral counseling and psychotherapy at affordable fees.

Since 1972, this nonprofit Christian agency has been providing professional pastoral counseling and psychotherapy to the people of the Greater Boston community, regardless of their socioeconomic, ethnic, or religious backgrounds.



Our mission is to provide:

  • A theologicaly and clinically integrated ministry of therapeutic healing to a cross cultural population.
  • Supervision for those who need supervision for their respective fields, such as Pastoral Counselors, Mental Health and Marriage and Family.
  • Psycho-spiritual education for church and community.

Our business is people! To that end we strive to do all we are able to meet the needs of people. Many individuals come with serious issues regarding relationships with themselves, others and God.

Funding Request

You have been so gracious to give the Boston Christian Counseling Center a grant which enables us to serve those who are not able to afford the help which is so much needed. We appeal to your Committee for [grant] to provide financial aid for those who cannot afford even the modest fees the BCCC charges.

Our Home Base Counseling serves couples and individuals on a weekly basis.These people are mainly elderly and unable to come to the office and are home bound.

The counseling provided is primarily pastoral care, counseling and getting them in touch with the agencies who provide the help needed.

Our daily radio program called "Definition" is heard by many is a source of referral for the center.