The following is a Christian Work Project sponsored in part by a grant from the Boston Baptist Social Union.
CYC meets annually at Oceanwood Camp in Ocean Park, ME. Our mission is to instruct high school aged kids in the Christian faith. Our goal is to introduce teenagers to Jesus and to surround them in an accepting community of God's love. We do this daily, by teaching classes, conducting chapel service, performing evening programs and bedtime cabin devotional discussions ... all in the beautiful Ocean Park setting. This camping experience is a three year program.
In 2009, CYC served 52 campers, including 6 who received funding through the BBSU grant. Denyse Truell and John Odams were both instrumental in our Boston outreach. We also retained our group from the Urban Promise program of Wilmington, DE. Our first year campers must have completed ninth grade and be at least fourteen years of age. Most campers, then, are age fourteen to eighteen. Last year we hosted twenty-eight young women and twenty-four young men, served by fifty-one volunteer staff. In 2010 we hope to increase overall campers to eighty and add three to our Boston based BBSU sponsored campers.