
Reception 5:30 p.m.

Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Meeting after Dinner

This meeting will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Needham

Our Guests

Dr. Donna L. HalperMedia Historian
Rev. Dr. Soliny VedrineBoston Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Kevin CunninghamFirst Baptist Church, Bedford
Mr. Glen RandallChairman, Trustees
Boston Baptist Social Union
Mr. Frederick Drauschke Chairman, Committee on Christian Work,
Boston Baptist Social Union
Mr. Jimmy ThomasChairman, Nominating Committee
Boston Baptist Social Union

Meeting Agenda

WelcomePresident Arthur Almeda
Song“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
InvocationRev. Dr. Soliny Vedrine
Annual Business MeetingMr. Arthur Almeda, President BBSU
Election of OfficersMr. Jimmy Thomas, Chairman, Nominating Committee
Memorial PrayerRev. Dr. Soliny Vedrine
Other BusinessMr. Arthur Almeda
ProgramDr. Donna Halper
“Remembering Boston Radio - The Stations and Stars You Loved”
BenedictionRev. Kevin Cunningham

Annual Meeting 2025

April 7th, 2025

Election of Officers

Annual reports to be presented.

About the Speaker

Dr. Donna L. Halper photp

If you grew up listening to the radio, as so many of us did, you probably remeber live and local stations like WRKO, WBCN, WMEX, and WBZ, as well as great deejays like Arnie Woo Woo Ginsberg, Dave Maynard, and Dick summer, and talk show hosts like Jerry Williams and David Brudnoy. Join media historian and former broadcaster Donna Halper for a trip down memory lane, as we look at the history of Boston radio, and recall the great stations and the great personalities that made it unique. Dr. Halper is the author of six books, including Boston Readio: 1920-2010 And in addition to looking back on past eras, she will discuss why radio has changed, and why it still remains an important mass medium even in our age.

Donna L. Halper, PhD has spent four decades as a professor of communication and media studies, working a several Boston-area universities. She is the author of six books and many articles, focusing on media history, baseball history, the history of rock music, and other topics. Her research is widely quoted in newspapers and textbooks. She has been a frequent guest on WBZ Radio's Morgan White Show, as well as on many webcasts and podcasts. A former radio deejay, credited with having discovered the band Rush, Dr Halper reinvented herself and got her PhD at age 64. She was inducted into the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame in 2023, winning the Pioneer Broadcaster Award for her research on the history of broadcasting in Boston.