Calendars are presented in Fiscal Years
(April to March)
The date of the next meeting is February 3, 2025.
A New England Notebook
Ted Reinstein
Geoffrey Dana Hicks
Sheraton Hotel Needham
Gordon Abbott
Geoffrey Dana Hicks
Sheraton Hotel Needham
Soul Talk - Connecting with the Sound of the Genuine in Yourself
Rev. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones
Geoffrey Dana Hicks
Sheraton Hotel Needham
Music by Leslie Lee and Steve Greta
Geoffrey Dana Hicks
Sheraton Hotel Needham
Home of the World's Worst Weather
Will Broussard
Geoffrey Dana Hicks
Sheraton Hotel Needham
Tours of the upper galleries of the museum
Geoffrey Dana Hicks & Mary Jane Rupert
Geoffrey Dana Hicks & Mary Jane Rupert
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Herod Family Chronicles
Dr. T.J. Wray
Geoffrey Dana Hicks
Sheraton Hotel Needham
Aquarium Exhibits
Geoffrey Dana Hicks
New England Aquarium